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I attended Tannery Elementary and found the attached photos on a recent visit to Richwood. The photo names are the years. David Ragland
Where: Tannery School Grade 6, Riverside Drive, Richwood, WV 26261
When: 1973 & 1974
Submitted by: David Ragland
Here is a picture of Tannery Grade School (Grade 6) 1973 - 1974
Please if anybody know the names of the ones we do not
remember or errors we have made, please let us know.
Teacher: Mrs. Taylor
First Row L-R
Number 1 Patricia Keffer
Number 2 Steven Robinson
Number 3 Mary Ann Hitt
Number 4 David Ragland
Number 5 Don Hall
Second Row L-R
Number 1 Robie Schnurr
Number 2 Freddy O'dell
Number 3 Douglas Stolarik
Number 4 Jeff Brewster
Number 5 Joan Stanley
Number 6 Elsie McHenry
Third Row L-R
Number 1 Tammy Persinger
Number 2 Mark Martin
Number 3 Jane Chapman
Number 4 Bamma Tyler
Richwood | | WV. | © Background 2008 By [ Billybob] All rights reserved. Tannery Elementary School, Richwood, W. Va. 1973-1974 Grade 6