- Alderman, William
- Armstrong, Roby
- Bennett, Lionel
- Bennett, Lora (Sutton)
- Boggs, Brenda (Johnson)
- Boggs, Sharon (Greathouse)
- Cornell, Donald
- David, Frankie
- Davis, Phyllis (Gardner)
- Hess, Loyce (Cranfield)
| - Ingle, David
- Jarvis, Paul "Jr"
- Lester, Glen
- Lynch, Marlin
- McMillion, Mary Jane
- Meadows, Charles
- Miller, Becky (Arnold)
- Mullens, Priscilla Ann (Thomas)
- Mullins, James
- Murphy, James
| - Rose, Margaret (Beckett)
- Sandy, Steve
- Skidmore, Anna Bell
- Spencer, Roger Lee
- Taylor, Rodney
- Tuckwiller, Jack
- Ward, Alvin
- William, Jo Anna (Spencer)
- Wolverton, Sheila (Quick)
- Young, Noretta (O’Dell)
| In memory of our ClassmatesTo each reunion we are saddened To hear that some more of our Classmates have passed away.
None of us are getting any younger and can thank God that we can meet once again to renew our old friendships and exchange stories of our lives at this 45th Reunion of the Class of 1964. Let us not forget our fellow Classmates
Who have gone to their final reunion With their God