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Fenwick Ele. Grade School 3th and 4th grades, 1956 - 1957

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Fenwick Grade School Third and fourth Grades,1956 - 1957

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Where:            Fenwick, West Virginia  
When:             1956 & 1957
Submitted by:     Ed Roach
Pictured is the third and fourth grade class (1956-1957) of the Fenwick Elementary School, Near Richwood. We are not able to identify any of the members, is there a Richwooder or a Fenwick Class Mate who can Identify the class or errors on the page, please let us know?

Row 1,left to right:
   Number 1   Mrs.Francis Woodyard
   Number 2   
   Number 3   
   Number 4   
   Number 5   
   Number 6   
   Number 7   
   Number 8   
   Number 9   

Row 2 ,left to right:
   Number 1   
   Number 2   
   Number 3   
   Number 4   
   Number 5   
   Number 6   

Row 3, left to right:
   Number 1   
   Number 2   
   Number 3   
   Number 4   
   Number 5   
   Number 6   

Row 4,left to right:
   Number 1   
   Number 2   
   Number 3   
   Number 4   
   Number 5   John Stull
   Number 6   Betty Jackson
   Number 7   
   Number 8   JoEllen Swartz
   Number 9   John Harris

Row 5,left to right:
   Number 1   
   Number 2   Sharon Blake
   Number 3   Charles Roach
   Number 4   
   Number 5   Sherry Stull

Fenwick Grades 1956-1957 (grades 3-4): Row 1, L to R,#1.Mrs.Francis Woodyard Row 4, L to R, #5. John Stull, Row 4, #6. Betty Jackson, Row 4, #8. JoEllen Swartz, Row 4,#9. John Harris. Row 5, L to R #2. Sharon Blake, Row 5, #3. Charles Roach, Row 5, #5. Sherry Stull.
If there are any of these old friends out there that read this send me an e-mail, love to hear from old friends. Thanks. Sherry (Stull) deVries <> Round Rock, TX USA - Tuesday, June 03, 2008 at 03:00:14 (CDT)

Fenwick Elementary School third and fourth grades 1956 - 1957, Fenwick, West Virginia

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Elementary School - 3th and 4th grades
